
Quality and Environmental Policy

We, Nippon Daiya Valve Co., Ltd., with our motto of “providing products that satisfy customers” , widely contribute to social development through supplying valves with safe and excellent quality.

Furthermore, taking the response to quality and environmental issue as an important part of management one, we will continue to reduce our environmental impact and contribute to the social sustainability.

Guideline for the action.

  1. We continually improve our quality and environmental management systems and always aim to increase customer satisfaction and trust.
  2. We respond in good faith to customer requirements and comply with related to the quality and environmental laws and regulations.
  3. We by ensuring and improving quality, promoting eco-friendly activities, improve our business structure and development of human resources.
  4. Setting goals for each department, we encourage all the employees to promote quality and environmental activities.
    The goals are set every year and reviewed as necessary.

Eiji Hayashida
The President and CEO, Nippon Daiya Valve Co., Ltd.